Breast Cancer Genetics - The cause of breast cancer is very diverse and is not fully understood. Even cancer-causing itersebut sometimes it is difficult to define. In some cases found that breast cancer is caused by hereditary factors. But is it true that if a genetic cause for being the most dominant?
If your search further, genetic factors is not the only cause of breast cancer and it is not contagious. In some cases, there are women who suffer from breast cancer even though no heredity from family. Cases of breast cancer are indeed tuidak runs in the family or is not a hereditary factors. However, there are some specific genes that trigger or increase the risk of breast cancer.
If you have two or more close relatives such as sisters or mothers affected by breast cancer, then you as the next generation of genetic examinations need to do to find out which genes cause the cancer to develop. In addition to genetic factors, there are several other factors that trigger breast cancer. Here's more details!
- Age Factor
The risk of breast cancer disease will rise along with the increasing age of a woman. Generally breast cancer occurs in women aged above 50 years of age and entered menopause.
- Previous History
For women who had previously had breast cancer then it is likely it will happen again. The risk of breast cancer in the next period will be increasing. Further conditions can be on the same breast or in other parts of the breast.
- Breast Density
Basically breast gland-gland is composed of small that will produce milk. Susuna the gland will make breasts more dense. Well, for women who have very risky tissue density affected by breast cancer. This is because the number of these cells is likely to develop into cancer.
- Breast Lumps
Although not every lump is a sign of the presence of breast cancer, but breast lumps need to look out for because it could increase breast cancer.
- Radiation
Radiation exposure such as medical examination which uses the CT-scan very risky against the dangers of breast cancer. In addition, radiation of electronic goods are also likely in the long run could cause breast cancer.
- The Pattern Of Life
Unhealthy life pattern cannot be denied to be the cause of various diseases including breast cancer in women. The habit of consuming a food with a high fat content, alcohol, smoking and other bad habits will increase your risk of breast cancer disease affected. For those of you that have irregular patterns of life then we recommend that you immediately change these habits so that spared from deadly breast cancer.
Thus genetic factor that is not the only cause of breast cancer. Only a small part of the risk of breast cancer-derived family history. Rest by the influence of hormonal and lifestyle.
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