6 Cancer Symptoms of Leukemia

Leukemia Cancer Symptoms - Blood cancer can also result from toxicity have unfavorable toxicity or threaten the health of the body. Smoking one that can cause the symptoms of cancer of the blood that will be experienced due to blood cancer. cigarettes contain various substances in it.

In addition to containing nicotine and addictive substance that makes people who use addictive there other substances are also contained in them that is not good for the health of the body and therefore blood cancer can have on the people who do like cigarettes and use it for a long time. because smoking is slowly undermining the body and cause blood cancer.


If you have a blood cancer then there will be blood cancer symptoms experienced slowly or slowly so that the situation will be experienced slowly. Blood cancer will lower health status and therefore no symptoms of cancer of the blood that will be experienced. as below are six symptoms of blood cancer that must be in the know:

1. Fever

At the beginning of the body has cancer cells in the blood then there are many symptoms that will be experienced and felt. Symptoms of blood cancer in the early stages can only be cause a lot of sweat and fever at night.

2. Swelling

Blood cancer symptoms other than fever over time will evolve as well. the growing symptoms of blood cancer that would result in sufferers experience swelling in the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes in the armpit and neck are usually swollen.

3. Infection

Abnormal blood cells because they have cancer cells will not be able anymore to protect the body from infection. Because the symptoms of cancer of the blood that will be experienced can also cause the body to be exposed to infection more often.

4. Limp

Normal white blood cell numbers will be much less in comparison with abnormal blood cells and consequently the symptoms of blood cancer that can be experienced will make the body limp and weak.

5. Bleeding

At the moment has cancer cells in the blood or in the spinal cord can also cause bleeding. Bleeding such as nosebleeds will be more frequent if suffering from blood cancer. and in addition to bleeding, bruising on the body without a cause can be experienced as well as the symptoms of blood cancer.

6. Abdominal swelling

Swollen at the time of blood cancer symptoms can be swelling of the lymph nodes, but also can cause the stomach to swell by stomach because it will increase the volume.

At the time of blood cancer symptoms experienced, then it means the blood cells in the body grow. Because develops slowly then experienced symptoms will also be gradual. Because it was in when the symptoms have been experienced blood cancer should undergo treatment that begins with an examination of first in order to cope with blood cancer. 

Because if acute blood cancer experienced lives will be endangered and therefore should take care of your body to be in good health and if the cancer cells have been detected by early direct treatment.

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