Breast Cancer Men

Breast Cancer Men - Men breast cancer can be in General could have occurred, although many happen in women. This most cancer occurs in old age. Men who are undiagnosed breast cancer at an early stage have a chance to recover. Because of it, men need knowledge about risk factors, causes and also the symptoms of breast cancer in order to be able to do prevention.


Both men and women have breast tissue, but in a very minimal amount. because the network still exists, then the men also have the privilege of experiencing breast disorders, such as cysts, benign tumors, and cancer.

Characteristics of Breast Cancer Men

  • The eccentric nature of a lump or is localized in one breast
  • The lump is generally no pain (though not all)
  • There is a change in breast shape or size
  • The skin begin to frown on, or redness
  • Redness or itching accompanied by scaly sores on breast nipples
  • Out the liquid from the nipple of the breast
  • Nipples and other parts of the breast is interested in the direction in

The Causes of Breast Cancer Men

  • There are mutations of genes in breast cancer patients
  • Have the disorders are genetic or caused the presence of factor descendent of breast cancer
  • Going on an unnatural breast enlargement in men
  • Cell membrane receptor-containing
  • esterogen
  • Due to consuming too much smoking can invade other parts of the breast can spread to

Symptoms of Men Breast Cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer in men is comparable to it in women. Most of the male breast cancer that was diagnosed after a man found a lump in my breast. However, in contrast to women, men tend to put on to the doctor until they need more severe symptoms, such as bleeding from the nipples. At the time the cancer may have already spread.

Treatment of men breast Cancer

In General, would do the surgery to get rid of the cancer within the chest exposed. sometimes the operation are followed by block hormone therapy long-term use of the drug, sometimes tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen will facilitate block the effects of hormones on breast tissue that has been tried to develop cancerous cells. This medicine should be ready to forestall a come of the cancer. In some cases, radiotherapy or chemotherapy are used for a similar purpose.

Prevention of Breast Cancer Men

  • Exercise regularly
  • Lose Fat
  • Avoid too much meat Consumption
  • Always the consumption of fruits and vegetables
  • Do not consume alcohol
  • Avoid prolonged Strees

That's About male breast cancer, I hope after reading this you become more vigilant and always keep your health.

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