Breast Cancer Biopsy - There are several types of breast biopsy is a needle biopsy and surgery. Some types of needle biopsy is used to diagnose breast cancer.
If a woman or a doctor suspects a lump, or a picture that shows a suspicious area, then the woman should do a biopsy. This procedure took tissue samples to be examined under a microscope to see if there is cancer or not to see, or rather whether the lump is benign or malignant.
There are several types of breast biopsies. How biopsy can be performed with a needle (needle), where doctors took a bit of breast tissue by inserting a needle through the skin into the breast. With surgical biopsy techniques, tools scalpel (scalpel) used to lift the breast tissue is greater. Each type of biopsy has advantages and disadvantages of each. Type of biopsy procedures are performed on women depending on the condition and health.
In most cases, a biopsy using a needle to be preferred compared with surgical biopsy, which was the first step to diagnosis breast cancer. Needle biopsy is able to provide faster diagnosis and just a little discomfort.
Some types of needle biopsy is used to diagnose breast cancer. The most widely used is a core needle biopsy, in which a small cylinder size of the breast tissue is removed. Another type of biopsy is fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA). FNA using the smallest size needle is used to remove the core network to be evaluated under a microscope. FNA also is used to remove fluid from a suspicious cyst. Some types of breast cancer biopsy technique can be seen in the figure below:
A doctor can do a core needle or FNA biopsy in the workplace without having to use x-rays as a tool in guiding biopsy only if the lump can be touched.
If the lump can not be felt easily, then ultrasound or mammogram can be used to guide a needle during a biopsy is performed.
Biopsy techniques with the help of mammogram is called stereotactic needle biopsy. in this procedure, the computer will show the picture of mammograms that will help doctors guide a needle to take a tissue to a more appropriate area. Likewise with biopsy techniques with the help of ultrasound.
The choice between a mammogram and ultrasound biopsy technique depends on the type and location of the suspect in accordance with the experience and preference of the physician.
Some patients require a surgical biopsy (excision). Surgery is generally to remove the entire lump or suspicious area and includes an area around which looked normal in breast tissue, called the margin.
If the tumor can not be felt, then the mammogram or ultrasound is used to guide the surgeon. After numbing the area to be biopsied under local anesthesia, the picture x-ray or ultrasound is used in guiding the needle enters into the abnormal area of the breast. A thin wire is inserted through the center of the needle, and the needle is removed, and the wire will guide the surgeon to the right area.
Most breast biopsies cause discomfort. Only a local anesthetic is needed for biopsy with a needle. For surgical biopsies, most experts using local anesthesia and intravenous medications to make patients feel a little sleepy. Provision of general anesthesia / general is not required for most cases of breast biopsy.
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