Stage IV Breast Cancer - Breast cancer stage 4 is the phase in which cancer cells have very severe and very violent. The chances for a cure in total for the patients is very small. But, of course, the patient must remain optimistic and trying to cure breast cancer.
The condition of the Cancer Stage 4
On stage 4 metastatic cancer cells undergo phases, namely the spread of cancer cells to the tissues of his body. The spread of cancer cells will spread to lymph nodes and the more dangerous again cancer cells can spread to the bones, brain, lungs and heart. When cancer cells have very spread out, so it could just be another disease complications will arise.
So far, the treatment of breast cancer stage 4 is not yet available medications that are specific to this disease. But with the shrinking of the cancer, treatment can slow the disease, help make the patient feel better, and live longer. Although patients with stage IV breast cancer may live many years, but can be life-threatening at any time.
Characteristics of breast cancer stage 4 is a continuation of stage 3. This can be seen from breast cancer symptoms are as follows:
- There were ulcers on the breast.
- The pain that has been very painful.
- Tits bleed and festering.
- The lump is already great and even the exact size is not known.
- Removing the smell unpleasant.
- Feels very hot and smarting.
- Weight decreases quickly
- Other disease complications
There are many types of breast cancer, there are many types of treatment options. But not every treatment will be the same given to every patient. Here some list of treatment options for breast cancer stage 4 are available, namely:
- chemotherapy
Or treatment with anti-cancer drugs, often becomes a major choice for stage 4 breast cancer staging. This can slow the growth of cancer. Chemotherapy is often used in combination with hormone therapy or immunotherapy. Chemotherapy will usually cause side effects such as baldness, down weight gain, and nausea.
- hormonal therapy
Hormone therapy can help women with cancer who need hormones to grow. Tamoxifen has been used to block the effects of estrogen for decades. New drugs such as aromatase inhibitors, Aromasin, Arimidex, Femara, and also effective in women post-menopause. These drugs would reduce the amount of estrogen the body by cutting off the supply of estrogen and can slow the growth of cancer.
For women who have not reached menopause period, can consider for adoption the ovaries to stop production of the hormone. To control cancer growth or through treatment with the same effect.
- Biological therapy
Around 25% of women who have experienced breast cancer, an excess of a protein known as HER2 makes the cancer spreads quickly. Herceptin is a drug that has been approved to treat women with metastatic breast cancer that is HER2 positive experience. This protein makes the cancer cells from growing, but can also boost the immune system, giving it the strength to fight the cancer itself.
- clinical trials
Clinical trial is a research study that will use new drugs or new combinations of drugs, which have been approved for use in human studies. The test is performed when researchers, believing that such treatment has the potential to be better than the current standard treatment.
Despite the scary thoughts about being part of the research, but it is important to remember that each of the current standard of care used to be a part of this clinical trial.
- Operation and radiation
Surgery (surgery) is not likely avoided by patients. Cancer cells that are increasingly spread should be in clean and lift. Usually on stage 4, breast to be lifted altogether. Method of operation and radiation is used in some cases. This treatment may help treat pain and other symptoms in areas where the cancer has spread.
Breast cancer is indeed terrible, especially what when the cancer has already entered the stadium 4. We recommend that when you realize that you are exposed to the disease of breast cancer immediately do describe the treatment to prevent the disease developing and becoming increasingly stadium 4.
- Drugs-other drugs
Some types of drugs are also required to treat some side effects of breast cancer treatment, such as nausea and fatigue.
Breast cancer disease prevention actions should be done long before breast cancer was at the stadium. Including when this breast cancer disease recently was on stage 1, 2 and 3. Here are some precautions that cancer can be done:
- Diligent exercise
- Be the weight
- Do not eat food containing harmful substances
- Not smoking
- Do not eat and drink containing alcohol
- Drinking plenty of water that is hygienic
- Eating fruit and vegetables on a regular basis
- Checking immediately when there is a lump in the breast or under the armpit
It's not easy to accept the condition when breast cancer, has been in a phase of very severe. However, every effort will surely bring the slightest results though.
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