Breast Cancer Bumps

Breast Cancer BumpsBreast cancer will bring up a lump in the breast. However, not all lumps on the breast is cancer. Eighty percent of cases a lump in my breast was not cancer. This is because a number of other medical conditions can also cause a lump in the breast.

Therefore, know the difference a lump of cancer and nonkanker the following:


Nonkanker breast lump

In the case of nonkanker, a lump in the breast is a harbinger of the following conditions.

  • Cyst, is a bag of fluid in the breast tissue, causing lumps. If touched, the lump feels soft. Cysts generally experienced by women aged between 35-50 years old. Cysts that are greater than 2.5 cm may cause pain and discomfort in the breast.
  • Fibrokistik, change is a change in the breast because of hormone instability during the menstrual cycle. These changes cause a lump in a breast that feels pain. In addition, the nipples will be more sensitive. This condition is not a disease. Symptoms usually occur when the pre mentruasi period and improved when she took place or the end of menstruation. However, check with your doctor immediately if symptoms persist after completion of the menstrual period.
  • A solid lump is a Fibroadenoma, which occurs due to excess milk producing gland formation or lobulus and tissue around the breast. The lump does not feel sick, and if pressed will shift. This condition is generally experienced by women aged 20-30 years. The cause of fibroadenoma is not known for certain, but it is associated with fertility hormones.
  • Bacterial infections such as mastitis can also cause a lump that feels pain. This condition is often found in nursing mothers. Infection occurs when bacteria from the surface of your skin or from the mouth of a baby goes into the milk duct through a nipple. Other cause namely tertutupnya channel milk. This happens when You breastfeed but finalized, but breast milk has not been exhausted. As a result the milk back to the channels, so as to trigger the infection and cause bumps. Mastitis breastfeeding moments making so painful because of the breasts feels like burning. Other symptoms that can appear, namely a fever. Consult immediately with the doctor, the doctor will usually give an antibiotic and pain relief. Not a problem for You and the baby to continue the giving breast milk (BREAST MILK).

Breast cancer lumps

Lumps on the breast also can be a sign of breast cancer. Cancer occurs when cells in the breast begin to grow abnormally. Cancer cells grow faster than normal cells, causing lumps. Beware when a lump in the breast like a symptom of the following.

  • The lump feels hard, in contrast to the surrounding area. Usually rarely found the pain. If pressed, the lump is not shifted.
  • Changing breast size or shape.
  • Nipples are drawn to the inside.
  • Although uncommon, nipple discharge containing blood.
  • On a rare type of cancer, appeared red spots around nipples that look like eczema.
  • In some areas of the breast, there is thickening of the skin.

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