Leukemia Definition

Leukemia Definition - Blood cancer or leukemia can become a disease in the classification of cancer in the blood or bone marrow characterized by multiplication by traditional or blood-forming maligna transformation cells in the bone marrow and lymphatic tissue, usually occur in leukocytes (white blood cells). traditional cells in the bone marrow is replaced by abnormal cells or traditional. Abnormal cells from the bone marrow and measuring square found in peripheral blood or cord blood bank. Blood cancer cells move hemogenesis or the method of the formation of blood cells and is therefore a system of the body.


Leukemia have some symptoms such as susceptible to the disease, infection, anemia, and bleeding, painful bones and joints, abdominal pain, swelling of the glands, spleen, breathing difficulties.

There are some things that affect a person's Blood cancer or Leukemia for example

1. Radiation

  • More Radiology employees often suffer leukemia
  • Sufferers with radiotherapy more often suffer from leukemia
  • Leukemia was found in the victim's life events Atomic Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

2. leukemogenik Factors

There are a number of chemical substances have been identified could affect the frequency of leukemia:
  • Environmental toxins such as benzene
  • Industrial chemicals such as insecticides
  • Drugs for chemotherapy

3. Epidemiology

  • In Africa, 10-20% of sufferers LMA has kloroma around orbita eyes
  • In Kenya, China, and India, LMK on sufferers aged 20-40 years
  • East Asians and East India rare LLK.

4. Hereditary

  • Sufferers of Down's syndrome have an incidence of acute leukemia 20 times greater than normal people.

5. Viruses

  • The virus can cause leukemia such as retroviruses, feline leukemia virus, HTLV-1 in adults

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